GreyGuide Repository Data Provider

This is an implementation of the protocol OAI-PMH 2.0 for GreyGuide Repository, a digital library management system for istitutional repositories of technical or scientific documents, either published or self-archived. This is part of the GreyNet project: "Securing Open Access to Grey Literature for Science and Society" [AccesGrey Projet 2019].

This implementation (written by Heinrich Stamerjohanns) completely complies to OAI-PMH 2.0, including the support of on-the-fly output compression which may significantly reduce the amount of data being transfered.
In this case, the original implementation was changed removing the support of PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository).

Query OPEN ACCESS GreyGuideRep Data-Provider

For detailed tests use the Repository Explorer.

Credit: Heinrich Stamerjohanns
Institute for Science Networking